Exhibition Review - Thomas Demand: 'Latent Forms' Sprüth Magers, London till 19th Dec 2015.

Image of Sprüth Magers, London with art exhibition review by Drenched Co.

I reach through Thomas to an empty space 
that twists and moves
and makes patterns I can't get to,
a world safe within its creases. - Drenched Co

Comment: "In my opinion, Demand is interested in the crease patterns (CP) of our past- CPs in the wrappers of salient events. His origami skills helps him to recreate from pictures (complete with marks of tape) to take amazing pictures of these CPs. Now though, he has no event, just CPs of a potential event. And he takes pictures of this and makes us imagine the event thus wonderfully walking the fine line between reality, photographic reality and fiction. Fabulous!" - FaSa.

See http://spruethmagers.com/exhibitions/396

See also http://www.woundsthatbind.com/2015/11/exhibition-review-thomas-demand-latent.html

Caption: Image above: Thomas Demand, LATENT FORMS, Installation View, Sprueth Magers London Photography copyright Kris Emmerson.
Image courtesy of Sprueth Magers.  Copyright Thomas Demand, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn / DACS, London.
We take great care not to harm the image in any way. And these views, they are ours only and not those of the gallery or artist.

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