Charles Avery: 'The People And Things of Onomatopoeia' Ingleby Gallery,Edinburgh till Oct 3 2015
"I wondered if the restaurant 'L'Escargot Quadrato' is any good,and how i would pay. I wondered if Gob-S-hites hate it out there and if Onomatopoeia is a republic". - Raj
Image courtesy of Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh.
See also
My recent travels took me to Avery country,
a trilinear outpost.
I brought back some things
to my quadrilinear world.
-Drenched Co
#cutsoverart #cutsovers #drenchedco #soakedspace
Disclaimer: The views expressed here are solely those of the authors in their private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of the said artists or gallery.