Exhibition Review - Justin Hibbs: 'Alias_Re_Covered' Carroll/Fletcher, London till Sept 12th 2015

Image of Carrol/Fletcher London and exhibition review by Drenched Co

Hibbs' unglitched
are tiny speckles of noise
tuned out
for the glitched.
-Drenched Co

"I was captured by Hibbs' origami like translations of space.. " - FaSa

See http://www.carrollfletcher.com/exhibitions/41/overview/
See also www.woundsthatbind.com

Image courtesy of the artist and Carroll / Fletcher, London. Supplied caption:Installation view - copyright Justin Hibbs.
We take great care not to harm the image in any way. It has not been cropped, altered, montaged or overlaid with text ( only in the separate sections below and above it) or manipulated in any way (at least not by us). Images are always used with supplied captions. And these views, they are ours only and not that of the gallery or artist - Drenched Co.

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