Exhibition Review - Agathe de Bailliencourt:'Couleurs du temps' Blain|Southern, London till 23rd Jan 2016.
I have never been to Marfa, Texas,
but with Agathe, it's a nexus
between a brief run of diffusing stains,
and the words she hid in her canvas.- Drenched Co
Comment: "If it is a landscape that Agathe is painting, she is leaving her erstwhile expressive paintings of color planes and psychological interiors for a deceptively complex subject. But Agathe avoids the scourge of the mediocre, dissatisfying landscape painting by treating the surface of her canvas just enough to bring the texture of the canvas to leap out to her cause. Just as Marfa, Texas left a stain on her sight, Agathe has successfully transferred this irrational disorientation of her senses onto canvas by staining it, microscopically revealing, willing, each ridge, each bump, each knot to manifest their physical solidity to achieve the impossible. Best work she has done since Fumio Nanjo's 1st Singapore Biennale exhibition in 2006." - FaSa
See http://www.blainsouthern.com/exhibitions/2015/agathe-de-bailliencourt
See also http://www.woundsthatbind.com/2016/01/exhibition-review-agathe-de.html
Caption: Image above: Installation view Agathe de Bailliencourt© Blain|Southern, London 2015
Image courtesy of the artists and Blain|Southern, London.
We take great care not to harm the image in any way. It has not been cropped, altered, montaged or overlaid with text ( only in the separate sections below and above it) or manipulated in any way. Images are always used with supplied captions. And the views expressed here are solely those of the authors in their private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of the said artists or gallery. - Drenched Co.
#cutsoverart #drenchedco #soakedspace #whitecube #BlainSouthern #AgathedeBailliencourt #Couleursdutemps #artinlondon #londonart #artlondon #artberlin #berlinart #artinberlin #artnewyork #newyorkart #artinnewyork #artreview #contemporaryart #artexhibition #painting #paintings #staining #fumionanjo #singaporebiennale #landscapeart #landscape #marfa #texas #texasart #arttexas #artintexas