Mr. Joo's intersections are measured and transformed in moon-bright wings. - Drenched Co.
Comment: "To me, everything Michael does starts with the alchemical magic of Lunar Caustic (silver is linked to the moon). For instance, silver nitrate stains and is used to measure salt, to make mirrors and to aid analysis, all of which are connected to Michael's practice - along with ideas around cycles, processes, energy, measurement and boundaries. As with silver ions and photography, science and art intersects with magic in Michael's work and he returns time and again to all manner of divides and boundaries, to investigate the nature of objects, places and people. Fabulous!" - JayZee
See also
Caption: Image above: Installation view Michael Joo© Blain|Southern, London 2016 Photo: Peter Mallet
Image courtesy of the artist and Blain|Southern, London.
We take great care not to harm the image in any way. It has not been cropped, altered, montaged or overlaid with text ( only in the separate sections below and above it) or manipulated in any way. Images are always used with supplied captions. And the views expressed here are solely those of the authors in their private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of the said artists or gallery. - Drenched Co.
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