“Clang traces his mind around every image.”
- Drenched Co.
Comment: "In Singapore, John Clang renders projected photos of his family and friends in charcoal before rephotographing them. His exhibited images, several steps removed from his subjects, are to me an investigation into the magical powers of his camera, a tool to catch the real from the illusory, the substance from mere appearance, and perhaps even the good from the evil. In the end though the photograph as index merely reflects human subjectivity and error in the self reflexive production of art from art and becomes entwined with the whole problem of time. I didn't love them. " - FaSa
See http://www.fostgallery.com/the-world-surrounding-an-indoor-plant/
See also http://www.woundsthatbind.com/2016/08/exhibition-review-john-clang-world.html
Caption: Image above: Installation view John Clang© FOST gallery, Singapore 2016
Image courtesy of the artist and FOST gallery, Singapore.
We take great care not to harm the image in any way. It has not been cropped, altered, montaged or overlaid with text ( only in the separate sections below and above it) or manipulated in any way. Images are always used with supplied captions. And the views expressed here are solely those of the authors in their private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of the said artists or gallery. - Drenched Co.
#cutsoverart #drenchedco #soakedspace #JohnClang #FOSTgallery #TheWorldSurroundinganIndoorPlant #artphotography #photographyart #artphoto #photoart #artsingapore #singaporeart #artinsingapore #londonart #artlondon #artinlondon #artberlin #berlinart #artinberlin #artnewyork #newyorkart #artinnewyork #artreview #charcoaldrawing #selfreflexive #celestino #rossellini #imagemaking