“ludic shot full of lucid
slip of a thing thrown in the air
from this plane you never see her angle
outflanked with potential"
- Drenched Co.
Comment: "Nakayama's shapes of play pylons in eroding gradients strobed throws of material action planes, angles, arcs and maths in tosses, slides, elbows and faces gamed wildness in grounded play legs swinging at the edge of a swing into nothingness what is dark matter? gravity and visible matter in a dance tiny beach-damp boxes open to an open sky alternative spaces to a full brown daily humdrum thrown pendulums, trespassing fulcrums and red-heavy delinquents maths and protractors and ruled polygons with broken arches song of a good fight in its rifts and roar, its slips and traverses.
Nakayama's fascinating maps and models of a space where a special order reigns absolute, where an affinity between play and order makes it a 'consecrated space' of play 'rituals', makes me think that she is taking a snapshot of some material action of some kind of embodied practice - the shapes and patterns of an experiential order. I loved Sandbox #1 to #4 ( in picture)." - Raj
See https://a-i-gallery.com/exhibitions/56-after-the-rain-1a-tenter-ground-london-e1-7nh/overview/
See also https://www.soaked.space/2024/04/exhibition-review-yuki-nakayama-after.html
Caption: Image above: Installation view Yuki Nakayama, A.I. Gallery London 2024
Image courtesy of the artist and A.I. Gallery, London.
We take great care not to harm the image in any way. And these views, they are ours only and not those of the gallery or artist.
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