Exhibition Review - Fiona Tan:'DEPOT' BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead till 1st Nov 2015.
With the gentlest of touches,
Fiona whisked me 300ft
into the great wide whale-road of existence,
to the depot of our past, present and future,
where we chance our next wave-swine
home. - Drenched Co
Comment: "Ms Tan's touch is exquisite, meditative and empowering. Makarova described it wonderfully as 'tranquil electricity' in a 2011 ArtAsiaPacific webreview of Fiona Tan's 'Rise and Fall'." - JayZee
See http://www.balticmill.com/whats-on/exhibitions/fiona-tan-depot
See also http://www.woundsthatbind.com/2015/09/exhibition-review-fiona-tandepot-baltic.html
Image courtesy the artist and BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead.Photo: Jonty Wilde
Supplied caption: Fiona Tan Leviathan 2015 installation view, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art 2015. Photo: Jonty Wilde
We take great care not to harm the image in any way. It has not been cropped, altered, montaged or overlaid with text ( only in the separate sections below and above it) or manipulated in any way. Images are always used with supplied captions. And the views expressed here are solely those of the authors in their private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of the said artists or gallery. - Drenched Co.
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