Exhibition Review - Jane Bustin, Alice Cattaneo, Leonardo Drew, Felicity Hammond, Keita Miyazaki, Tulio Pinto: 'Combining Materials' at rosenfeld porcini, London till 10th Feb 2017.
“..when all i touch it with is form, I create a world as it isn't.."- Drenched Co.
Notes: " At rosenfeld porcini, we find glimpses of heterotopias, of tiny worlds in which the possibility of a grounded cosmopolitanism might exist, where boundaries overlap and are integrated and socialised, where politics informs and revolutionises. Here we stop relentlessly seeking the sanitised entities that have not conceded any mixed forms and middle positions or give in to intense local loyalties in our political lives. And perhaps for a moment or two, we stop pulling on the whole odd Aristotelian song of bringing together form with matter. In this exhibition we see the power of the gesture, always silent and possibly beyond language, that grounds the geography of these experiments and sustain their operation in social networks beyond the immediately given. We loved loved Keita Miyazaki's bouquets. Fabulous!" - FaSa
See https://rosenfeldporcini.com/exhibitions/38/overview/
See also http://www.woundsthatbind.com/2018/02/exhibition-review-jane-bustin-alice.html
Caption: Image above: Installation view 'Combining Materials' rosenfeld porcini, London 2018.
Courtesy of rosenfeld porcini, London.
We take great care not to harm the image in any way. It has not been cropped, altered, montaged or overlaid with text ( only in the separate sections below and above it) or manipulated in any way. Images are always used with supplied captions. And the views expressed here are solely those of the authors in their private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of the said artists or gallery. - Drenched Co.
#cutsoverart #drenchedco #soakedspace #rosenfeldporcini #JaneBustin #AliceCattaneo #LeonardoDrew #FelicityHammond #KeitaMiyazaki #TulioPinto #rosenfeldporcinigallery #CombiningMaterials #londonart #artlondon #artinlondon #artberlin #berlinart #artinberlin #artnewyork #newyorkart #artinnewyork #artreview #exhibitionreview #reviewart #cosmopolitanism #foucoult #hetertopias #latour #gesture